
Iterate on it is the professional blog of me, Randall Dunigan. It centers around agile principles, frameworks, ideas, tools, and the like. I feel like if I can help people work a little smarter or a little better, I have a direct positive influence on their lives. Furthermore, I believe, through my personal experience and the resultant success of countless businesses, that Agile is a better way to work. Even so, it is frequently overcomplicated, misunderstood, and misapplied. That’s where I come in, and hopefully where this blog can help. I take a very practical approach to agile concepts and tend to use plain language. However, I can’t do it alone. Unfortunately, blog posts are pretty static, and good solutions are rarely static. Sadly, the minute I finish a post, It’ll be out of date. So, help me out. Comment, email me if you like, get involved, correct my little faux pas, and together we can iterate on it.